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  • Dengan ini Kami sampaikan bahwa batas akhir penyerahan proposal penelitian Risbinakes Tahun 2013 Hari Selasa 31 Juli 2012 di UPPM Poltekkes Bandung Jl. Padjajaran No.56 Bandung

  • Konsentrasi Hambat Minimal (Khm) dan Konsentrasi Bunuh Minimal (Kbm) Larutan Klorheksidin Glukonat terhadap Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Multiresisten

    Selasa, 22 Desember 2009      0 komentar

    Iis Kurniati

    Jurusan Analis Kesehatan, Tahun 2009


    Antiseptic and disinfectant are very common in use in the hospitals and clinics. Disinfectants do not necessarily kill all organisms but reduce them to a level, which does not harm health. Disinfectants are applied to inanimate objects and materials such as instrument and surfaces to control and prevent infection. Application of antiseptics before, during, and after surgery has been proven preventing infections. This study is an analytical descriptive and the objective is to define the variations of Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) of chlorhexidine gluconate against multiresistant P. aeruginosa and to demonstrate that the MIC/MBC of chlorhexidine gluconate against multiresistant P. aeruginosa is higher than the MIC/MBC allowed for the skin application as an antiseptic (50mg/L). This study conducted by measured MIC and MBC of chlorhexidine gluconate against 18 multiresistant P. aeruginosa isolates that gained from four hospitals and one clinical laboratory in Bandung.  Data were analyzed by using t-student test, using normality test of Kolmogorov-Smirnov. The result of the experiment shows the variations of MIC and MBC of chlorhexidine gluconate against 18 multiresistant P. aeruginosa isolates. The MIC arranges from 60-80 mg/L and the MBC arrange from 60-100 mg/L. It is concluded that the MIC and MBC of chlorhexidine gluconate againts 18 multiresistant P. aeruginosa is higher than the MIC/MBC allowed for the skin applications as an antiseptic.


    Keywords : Chlorhexidine Glukonat, MIC/MBC, Pseudomonas aeruginosa


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