Lita Dwi Astari dan Agus Sulaeman
Jurusan Gizi
Risbinakes Poltekkes Bandung Tahun 2011
sumtion behavior recently changes from natural and balanced diet becomes unhealthy and instant diet coupled with high stress levels and incorrect lifestyle. The emergence of metabolic disorders resulting in hypercholesterolemia that caused coronary heart disease. Aloe Vera is one of the plants phytopharmaca are constantly being developed as a cure of various diseases, but has not been reported as anti-hypercholesterolemia. Aloe vera leaf contains various nutrients antihypecholesterolemia. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of aloe vera juice (Aloe vera Linn) with decreased of total cholesterol level. This study was a quasi-experimental one group of samples (one
group pre and post test design). The sample frame was formed from employee Health Polytechnic Bandung. The sampling method used was purposive sampling. The analysis used dependent t test. The study showed supplementation of 50 ml extracts aloe vera juice for 7 days statistically significant (p=0.004) decreased total cholesterol level with average 11.89 mg/dl or 4.82 %. Provision of aloe vera juice tends to decreased total cholesterol level.

group pre and post test design). The sample frame was formed from employee Health Polytechnic Bandung. The sampling method used was purposive sampling. The analysis used dependent t test. The study showed supplementation of 50 ml extracts aloe vera juice for 7 days statistically significant (p=0.004) decreased total cholesterol level with average 11.89 mg/dl or 4.82 %. Provision of aloe vera juice tends to decreased total cholesterol level.
Key words: Aloe Vera Juice, Hypercholesterolemia.
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